Saturday, December 31, 2011

The countdown is on...

In just a few more hours 2011 will come to an end and what a year it's been.  I couldn't say it's been particularly bad compared to other years but it's most certainly had it's testing times.  As I sit here surrounded by loved ones and happy in the knowledge that those I care for are happy and healthy and safe, I feel grateful.  Grateful for my wonderful husband and gorgeous kids.  They stick by me no matter what.  They love me unconditionally and they make me laugh when nothing else can.   Grateful for my friends.  Friends that have at times this year had to pick me up, dust me off and push me to find a direction and follow it.  Friends that have stuck by me, supported me and loved me for no other reason other than that they value our friendship.  I'm grateful for study.  Strange I know but studying has opened up a whole new world to me and while I'm still finding it a little daunting,  I'm slowly adapting to study and cramming, and essay writing again.   I'm grateful for new business opportunities and the support and help I'm receiving from a wonderful person behind the scenes (you know who you are!) to make it all happen.  Yep that's right,  there is a new business plan on the horizon.  It doesn't involve a camera but it does involve being creative and I hope more than anything that it's successful.  Only time will tell.  I'm grateful for new family members.  Earlier this year we got to celebrate the marriage of my wonderful sister in law to the man of her dreams.  Our kids adore him and "B" is a very welcome and appreciated new family member.  Speaking of new family members, I'm grateful for the opportunity to watch my gorgeous sister in laws belly grow and to know that in a few short months we'll be meeting another precious child.  He/she is already a much loved family member.   I'm grateful for new friendships.  Friendships that are now part of my everyday and I hope they continue that way.  I look forward to watching your successes, witnessing your dreams come true and sharing amazing experiences.   Lastly I'm grateful that although we experienced redundancy,  deaths of those close to us and disappointments we still loved, lived, supported and laughed.  I'm grateful this is my life and I'm grateful for the people I share it with.

Happy New Year and may you all have an unforgettable 2012.

B xx

ps- Every year for the past four or five years I have participated in the photo a day challenge for the month of January.  I wasn't going to do it in 2012 but decided at the last minute to continue the tradition.  So keep an eye out for daily updates.

We ask the kids to reflect on the year they've had as well as their goals and dreams for 2012.  They each wrote down their answers so we can go back in years from now and reflect on them.  A big thank you to Sharon for introducing me to this idea earlier today. xx  Oh and I realise there's a child missing but he didn't want to participate and we figured he's nearly 17 so we'll respect his wishes.

Monday, December 19, 2011

And her name is Daisy

Our gorgeous new kitty cat is here,  and after much deliberation it was decided that her name would be Daisy.  There were some real doozies thrown around let me tell you!  Looby, Tinsel, Hitler (James got a little confused over the cat being a Russian Blue and Hitler being German), Willow, Lunar and many more.  Lucky for Daisy, the man of the house had final pick and he chose Daisy.  We think it suits her perfectly.  She's made an easy transition into our crazy life.  She sleeps on the kids pillows, hasn't had a litter accident once and is eating like a trooper.  I'm dying to introduce her to Juno but the other family members aren't so keen.  So we'll give it a while and maybe when she's a bit bigger my two fur babies can become friends.

So now,  introducing Daisy.  We're sure you'll love her just as much as we do!

B xx

Friday, December 16, 2011

The room of Blossy

Those of you that followed my now non existent reno blog, would know that I was pretty excited about doing Blossy's room.  I have to admit I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out even if I did rush it and complete the whole room in under a week.  I feel like everyone contributed to this room which makes it kinda special.  Grandma supplied a gorgeous piece of antique embroidery for the wall, Nan Nan painted the yellow feature wall, Aunty Dani supplied the gorgeous bunting and Tony made the mock window that sits above the bed.  Most of my inspiration came from the ever wonderful Pinterest, although I went a bit off track with the actual Manchester.  I originally wanted to use a vintage chenille bedspread but finding a decent one in Australia is next to impossible.  There are plenty in the US but postage is a killer!  When I saw this bedding from KAS I knew that near enough was good enough.  It's not Chenille but it's called the "vintage" collection, it has all the colours we were wanting to incorporate into the room AND it comes with a gorgeous crochet granny blanket.  What more could a girl want!

So other than a built in which will go in after Christmas, Blossy's bedroom is done!  I might add a desk as she gets a little bit older but right now I think room to play is more important.  Now on to the boys room!  Getting four boys to agree on one room is not going to be an easy task!

B xx

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Beginning again

This blog is about sharing our life with you all.  The good, the bad and the ugly (but hopefully more good than anything else)  We hope that you find us somewhat entertaining and choose to follow us throughout the many trials and tribulations that make up the Hall Family.  We have so many exciting things planned this year.  More renovations, new goals and challenges and our first overseas holiday to Europe.  So here we go,  Our life in musings and pictures.   Sit back and enjoy the ride.  First post...Summer by the pool.  Check out these gorgeous looking kids enjoying the summer sunshine.  Gosh I love Summer!

B xx