Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012 | Day 31

And so another photo a day journey comes to an end.  I'm sad.  Sad because I'll miss those few minutes every day where I got to really look at my kids and our family.  Sad because I'll miss following some of the other photo a day journey's I have enjoyed so much.  Sad because when the next PAD comes around my kids will be just that little bit older, that little bit taller and that little bit more independent.  So I guess I'm just all around sad about the whole thing!  I did consider carrying on and trying to do a 365 but I knew I couldn't commit and I didn't want to let myself down.  Between kids, school, uni, work and life I just don't have the time.  So I won't promise to take a photo a day for the rest of the year but I am going to try and at least do a photo a week.  Our family is growing up and changing so quickly and I feel like there are so many memories that go missed.  Hopefully by stopping, observing and capturing one memory a week I can have something to look back on after everything seems to have passed me by.
So we say goodbye for now.  Thank you so much to those of you who have visited daily, left comments and also shared your own PAD with me.  We would love it if you would keep visiting our blog.  We have so many amazing journey's to share and we want to share them with you.  I hope you all have a wonderful 2012.

Saying goodbye to Day 31

B xx

Ending the PAD pretty much like we started it,  in the pool.  Goodbye January Photo a Day 2012.
It's been a blast!

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012 | Day 30

In 2010 Sam started at his new school.  For numerous reasons it was a very stressful transition but by the end of the year it seemed like he had always been there.  He now can't imagine going to any other school.  He has awesome friends, has excelled at his school work  and has received awards for sport.  The support network throughout the school via both teachers and other students,  it priceless.  The school spirit is like nothing I've seen before and although sending the boys there means we have to make sacrifices in other areas, it is well and truly worth it for the educational and life experiences they are gaining.  Another thing about our school is that they somehow (and I have no idea how) make the boys WANT to work.  They have such a heavy schoolwork and homework load but they never complain.  So when Sam came home with arms full of homework I wasn't surprised when he set himself up to get it done as soon as we walked in the door from pick up.  He was so keen to get started and was excited to share what he was learning with the rest of us.  Now, I don't know the "secret" to this desire for schoolwork but I seriously wish Chuck would catch it.  Oh well, we only have to get through this school year before he too can join the boys at SPC.  Oh and because I know Grandma and Auntie Dani read this blog, Sam wants you to know that he found out today that he has once again made the A team for SPC cricket.  The school has also offered to bring someone in to train Sam specifically for his spin bowling.  He's ever so proud of himself, as he should be and ok, maybe mum and dad are a bit chuffed too!

January 30 is homework day.

B xx

January 29, 2012 | Day 29

Charlie's migraines are back :(  He had done so well to mostly overcome them last year but it seems that the new school year has brought with it the stress and anxiety that leads to his migraines.  He says he's happy at school and I'm sure it's just a settling in process that he needs to go through.  We're crossing our fingers that as the weeks go by and the school routine becomes part of our normal life again, the migraines will disappear or at the very least, ease a little bit.  So as I was saying, Charlie had yet another migraine  which normally means (because he gets them at the same time every time) that he misses dinner and sleeps till around 8pm.  He then gets up, has a shower, eats some toast and goes back to bed to try and sleep.  Tonight sleep evaded him.  Quite honestly, between the migraine, the extra sleep and me getting vocal about one of the most exciting tennis matches I've ever seen, I'm really not surprised he couldn't sleep.  I went to check on him at around 10pm and found him reading by torch light.  I smiled and told him he could have 30 minutes  more before torches out.  I mean really, how can you punish book reading?  You just can't.  

Reading January 30 away.

B xx

January 28, 2012 | Day 28

We are now entering Blossy's third year of dancing.  We started out with Ballet and Jazz, progressed to Ballet, Jazz and Tap last year and this year we've added Hip Hop into the mix.  It makes for a busy after school and weekend schedule but she loves it (and secretly, so do I).   Todays first ballet lesson back was even more exciting because it was the first time Blossy got to work on the Barre.  Her words to me after class, "Mummy, now I'm almost like a real ballerina.  I just need ballet point shoes!"  One step at a time baby girl.  One step at a time.

Pirouetting our way through Day 28

B xx

January 27, 2012 | Day 27

Yes, we're still in front of the mirror.  Ok, I know I said this hair thing was great but seriously, this child spends more time in front of the mirror than a supermodel!  If she's not brushing her hair she's putting on lip balm or practicing her smile or experimenting with hairstyles, or looking for new teeth or doing her dance moves.  She loooves the mirror!  I think it's kinda cute actually.

Reflecting on Day 27.

B xx

January 26, 2012 | Day 26

Since we gave Blossy's hair a decent trim, she is finding it much easier to maintain herself (much to my delight).  She can mostly wash it herself and brushing is now an enjoyable task for her.  Previously her arms just weren't long enough to get to the ends and no matter how much she brushed there were still knots.  It's routine now to give her hair a good brush after her bath every night and she does it without even having to be reminded.  We had a good few years of hair dramas but thank goodness the battle of the long hair is over!

Brushing Day 26 away.

B xx

January 25, 2012 | Day 25

 This afternoon Georgie spent a lot of time in her room.  Mostly by choice, but some of the time was so we could get some peace and quiet from the fighting with the boys. Honestly, the screeching is enough to make you want to rip your ears off.  So anyway, Blossy was occupying herself with barbies and books and hours of facetime with her new friend Miss K, but later in the afternoon when I went in to check on her I found her gazing out the window and totally engrossed in a conversation with herself.  About what?  I have no idea.  It felt like snooping to stand there and listen so I quickly took the photo and left.  I love that she uses her imagination though.  That she can get hours of enjoyment through looking out the window and coming up with magical stories.  It must be nice to have the ability to occasionally lose yourself in a make believe world.

Imagining our way through Day 25.

B xx

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24, 2012 | Day 24

The new school year didn't quite begin how I had imagined.  We woke up to torrential rain, an overflowing swimming pool that needed to be pumped asap and a flooding laundry.  Oh.joy!  Lucky for me, my wonderful husband looked after the pool and the flooding while I got the kids ready for school.  It was all chatter and excitement about new shoes, special yummy homemade lunches (ok, maybe I was more excited about my lunch efforts), seeing friends again and new teachers.  There was one negative though.  Here we are with the rain pouring down outside and  of course being the unorganised, last minute, never prepared person I am, we have no umbrellas (well ones that work) and no raincoats.  It's supposed to be sunny on the first day of school.  This is Queensland for heavens sake!  I even had to take my annual "first day of school photo" inside this year.  Sheesh!   Luckily, the rain stopped just before they left for school (although it's torrential again now) and hopefully everyone got there dry.  I'm going to miss them soooo much,  but  I can't wait to hear all about their first day when they get home this afternoon.

Day 24, A wet weather day.

B xx

First day of school 2012

January 23, 2012 | Day 23

The day before school goes back is always a bit of a quiet day here.  I get that anxious sad feeling about Summer being almost over and constantly wish for time to move slower.  Blossy and I spent the morning buying new dancing stuff, visiting our friends gift store which we love and then  I spent the day labeling school stuff, getting lunches ready and sorting out uniforms (oh and I watched 6 episodes of Homeland.  Awesome show!).  By the time dinner came around we decided to celebrate (or mourn) the end of the holidays with pizza.  I figure, why not end the Summer holidays in the same way you started them.  It's probably not the brain food they should be eating before their first day back at school but thats ok.  We've got all year to make up for it.

Day 23.  A Dominos kinda day.

B xx

January 22, 2012 | Day 22

Today we invited some wonderful friends over for  a Pool Party!  There was the gorgeous Dani from Danielle Hamilton Photography and lovely Na from Naomi V Photography and their  families.  There was food, there was drinks, there was laughter and most importantly there was new friendships made.  My kids had never met Na's kids and we kinda knew that Blossy and Miss K would get on,  but seriously... by the end of the day it was like they had known each other their whole lives!  They're now BFF's apparently.  They text, they facetime, they constantly tell each other how cool they are.  It's pretty sweet actually.   I'm so grateful for my beautiful friends and their families and look forward to spending many more days together, like today.

Pool Partying our way through Day 22.

B xx

21 January, 2012 | Day 21

You know the school holidays are almost over when its time to head to the barber and get the dreaded "school haircuts."  I have to admit I was loving my boys have hair that was a bit longer again.  I adored Charlies white mop top and James' huge boofy hair that somehow smells like puppy dogs all the time (in a nice way).  Unfortunately the big boys school has rules.  Lots of them, and one of those rules is that hair must be off the collar, off the ears and above the eyebrows.  So off for a haircut they went.  Charlie probably could have gotten away with his mop top at his school but as usual, he wanted to do whatever the big boys were doing.  So now they're all clean cut and ready for another year of school.  I'm going to miss my boys :(

Day 21, preparation for school day.

 B xx

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012 | Day 20

My kids all love each other, they really do.  One positive thing about being in a large family is that you pretty much always have an allie.  As much as they fight, compete and say awful things to each other, if an outsider was to threaten, challenge or do wrong by them...look out!  You'll face the wrath of the four other siblings and I imagine it wouldn't be nice.  Actually, I'm kinda counting on this sort of support when Georgie starts dating.  Imagine the first poor boy to break her heart!!!  Anyway as I was saying, they'll stick up for each other when others are involved but holy hell are they competitive amongst themselves.  Every single thing is a competition.  Who can swim a lap fastest, who can get in the shower first, who gets the biggest piece of cake, who the cat loves more,  and it goes on and on and on...

Today we went down to our local foreshore and again with the competitiveness.  Here I was imagining hot chips on the beach and a quiet stroll along the edge of the water looking for shells and teeny tiny crabs. Yeah well that lasted all of five minutes.  Before long there was a race organised.  A finish line was drawn in the sand and luckily I had my camera,  because more than once we needed a photo finish to settle arguments of who had won.  Even Georgie got in on it,  although she had no desire to win.  She was just happy that the boys had included her.  After about an hour of running flat out they were all pretty much buggered and we returned to  quietly strolling along the waters edge.  That is until it was time to go home.  Then there was the race to see who could get into the front seat first! *sigh*

Racing our way through day 20

B xx

Ready, Set, Go!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012 | Day 19

Sometimes it's nice to have some quiet time alone.  In this house those quiet times are few and far between. As a family of seven you kinda get used to being in eachothers pockets all the time,  but Sam out of everyone, finds it especially hard.  Ever since he was a little bubba he has always liked his own space.  He's a neat freak and I think his crazy, messy loud siblings are somewhat stressful to him.  So I wasn't surprised when this afternoon he crept upstairs while everyone was in the pool, put on his pj's and snuggled up on the lounge with kittycat.  I love that I was able to snap him enjoying his own little piece of quiet time.  Believe me...it didn't last long.

Enjoying the quiet of Day 19.

B xx

Quiet times with kittycat

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18, 2012 | Day 18

The sun came out!  Well...for a minute it did.  There's been no rain today but it hasn't exactly been your perfect Summer's Day.  Sam had cricket training all afternoon so we were pretty much confined to our local area.  When the sun did shine for those five minutes, Chuck and Blossy decided to make the most of it and take a quick dip.  Apparently it was freezing which makes sense since the pool is full of rain water and hasn't had any sun for 3 days to warm it up.  In the end they lasted about 15 minutes before it became too cold and a warm shower seemed more inviting.  We have pool playdates tomorrow so fingers crossed for a warmer, sunnier day.

Jumping into Day 18 with a splash!

B xx

Quick! While the sun is shining!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17, 2012 | Day 17

Another day of rain.  Ho hum.  It's not all bad though.  The kids slept in till 9.30am and I got a lot of work done on my new website as well as client work.  The rain also gave Blossy a perfect opportunity to try out her new Mary Poppins Umbrella.  The boys (well Charlie mostly) have been giving her hell over this umbrella since she brought it home on Sunday.  It's just an umbrella Georgie!  It doesn't make you fly Georgie.  What a waste of money Georgie!  Hmmm, me thinks someone is jealous!  Anyway,  Blossy was desperate to prove them wrong so out she went with the determination only Blossy has. Determined she was going to fly (or at least jump really really high).  You can see the concentration on her face in the photo.  Of course it didn't work and she didn't fly (or even jump that hight) but she did succeed in making  Charlie jealous afterall.  Not because she could fly but because she got to play out in the rain.  Smart little cookie that one!

Flying our way through Day 17.

B xx

It's my very own Mary Poppins

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012 | Day 16

Monday's are one of my work days so when I woke up to rain I kinda gave a sigh of relief in the hope that due to the wet, cold weather, the kids wouldn't be expecting to do anything too far from the comfort of home.   I was right and before long they were settled down in front of the tv with a stack of dvd's, books, pencils and paper and blankets.    Much to my surprise I barely heard a peep out of them all day and by early afternoon my work was done and I was able to join them for a snuggle.  Of course this is when the silliness begins and before long the peaceful day was over.  There was stacks on, races, leap frog and tickle fights.  Thankfully things have settled down now,  but for how long is anyones guess!  Here's hoping tomorrow is warm and sunny.

Day 16... a wet weather day.

B xx

Snuggles with Blossy

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15, 2012 | Day 15

I believe that everybody should experience a live stage show.  Except up until today I never had.  Well not a professional, real, legitimate live stage show.  I had seen local plays and musicals, school performances and even Disney on Ice (many, many years ago.) but I had never been anywhere like QPAC and watched a show.  Oh wait, I lie.  I saw the Wiggles...twice,  at the convention centre.  Does that count?  No, I didn't think so.  So I guess today was a first for both Georgie and I because it was her first musical as well.  We saw Mary Poppins and let me tell you, it was amazing, awesome, astounding, absolutely crazy good!  Some would even say it was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! ;)  I honestly have no idea how I could possibly have gone all these years without having experienced that before.  I have seriously been missing out.  Blossy even scored herself a very cool Mary Poppins Umbrella which I may just have to borrow one day.  We honestly had the best time ever and I can't wait till we get to do it again in April when we go see Annie.

Day 15, A musical kinda day.

B xx

Georgie with her Mary Poppins Loot

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 14, 2012 | Day 14

It's very important to us as parents, that our kids are given as many opportunities as possible.  Sport, music, dancing.  They're all important in helping a child discover who they can be,  as well as creating fantastic opportunities for them to form new friendships and relationships outside of home and school.  Sam's thing is sport.  In fact he is sport mad!  Until he started playing cricket he was a shy kid who spent more time sick than healthy.  He was always anxious about pretty much everything and was somewhat uncoordinated.  Then three years ago  he started playing cricket. The change in him was amazing.  He was suddenly enthusiastic and confident.  He made new friends and learnt lessons in discipline and perseverance from his coaches as well as  acquiring skills and fitness.  The illnesses slowly diminished and the anxiety disappeared. Thing is... we discovered Sam is awesome at cricket.  How would we have ever known that if we had never given him the opportunity to play.  It's not just that fact that he totally rocks at cricket though.  It makes him so happy (he sleeps with his cricket bat IN the bed.  I kid you not!) and that's the most important thing.  Just as Georgie's outlet is dancing her heart out, and JJ's is his art and music, Sam's is cricket (and basketball, and soccer and this year he will start AFL).  We start training up again on Monday and he's dying to get out there on the pitch.  This afternoon we took a trip down to the cricket nets so he could practice before trials and he showed us the fancy moves he picked up from watching the test matches on telly.    So it looks like another season of spending every Saturday at the cricket.  That's ok though,  because how I could I complain when it makes him so happy.

Batting our way through Day 14.

B xx    

A bat and ball is all he needs.

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13, 2012 | Day 13

Well. Friday the 13th and we have 4 down with earaches and 1 down with a migraine.  Talk about bad luck!  Or maybe it's just a result of too much swimming and not enough sleep.  Anyway, we decided to have a quiet day today and do some recuperating.  No swimming, no visitors, no outings.  Just us at home reading, watching movies (or the cricket in Sam's case) and winding down.  Late this afternoon,  Dr Doolittle (aka JJ) decided to go out and have his afternoon chat with the dogs. Juno ADORES James!  She actually hugs him.  For real!  She wraps her front legs around him in her own goofy way and rests her head on his shoulder or gives him a big kiss.  He in return,  whispers in her ear about who knows what, but she seems to like it.  He has this kind of relationship with all our animals though and his affection is not just restricted to Juno.  I do believe she is his favourite though ;)   Now if only he was as enthusiastic about picking up their poo!

Resting our way through day 13.

B xx

A boy and his dog

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012 | Day 12

Books are such an essential part of my life and we're  tried to bring up the kids to feel the same way.  When they're young it's so hard to convince them  how wonderful books are.  I mean why would they be interested in words on paper when they have so many other bright, shiny electrical things to keep them occupied.  With Ry I failed miserably.  He hates reading with a passion and will do anything and everything to avoid it.  I'm not sure if this is a direct result of my parenting or just a personal dislike he's somehow acquired.  Anyway, I was convinced it would be different with the other kids and it is.  Sam struggled initially while learning to read but never let that affect his love of books.  James was and still is an avid reader although he never seems to finish a book, rather moving from one to another as it takes his interest.  Charlie is my Mr Speed Reader.  Once he's engrossed in a story there's no stopping him and he's been known to sit for 5 hours straight (and if you know Charlie then you know sitting still for long periods of time is sooo not his thing!) and read a good book from cover to cover.  Georgie...Georgie is my little bookworm.  At 7 she is reading at an 10 year old level.  She's like my mum.  One book is never enough for her and she quite often has two or three on the go at once.  Recently Georgie was personally asked to preview the first of a new series of yet to be released books.  It's a great honour,  and at the moment she's busy reading, taking notes and building a report for the author.  It's all very exciting and most certainly an opportunity that would never arise from playing an ipod touch or watching tv.  See, books are wonderful and in this case, can lead to amazing opportunities.

Reading our way through Day 12.

B xx

My little bookworm

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11,2012 | Day 11

I have this distinct memory from my childhood.  It's of my cousin and myself spending hours upon hours making up dance routines to the Footloose soundtrack.  We were soooooo in love with Kevin Bacon and probably thought our dance moves were pretty happening too.  We were too poor for me to ever do ballet or dance lessons,  so dancing to footloose under my Gran's house was about as far as my dance career ever went.  When I had Georgie I swore that if she ever wanted to dance, then dance she would!  Lucky for me I have been able to live my dancing dreams through Blossy.  She currently enjoys classical ballet, jazz, tap and this year will start hip hop.  Now even though she has formal lessons, she still loves to turn the music on at home and dance her little heart out, just like I enjoyed doing all those years ago.  Today was one of those days and after spending all day in the pool with seven boys she was totally up for some girly dancing time.  I may even admit to having joined her ;)

Dancing our way through day 11

B xx

She's got Moves like Jagger

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012 | Day 10

Today pretty much just continued on in the same way as yesterday.  It was hot, I did work, the kids spent all day in the pool and I'm pretty sure we could continue on like this forever.  It'll be over in a few short weeks and the school routine will slowly creep back in,  but for the moment  I'm happy to pretend that Summer lasts forever.  As I sit here blogging I can smell my neighbours bbq (and I secretly hope for an invite).  The kids across the street are squealing with absolute joy as they play in their paddle pool.  There's music playing softly in the distance somewhere and a warm breeze is blowing.  I know I've said it before but this right here is what I love.  This right here is what makes me happy and I can honestly say,  that at this very moment I am completely and utterly happy.  It's been a long time since I've felt this way but boy does it feel good to be back!  Another person who thrives on warm weather, sunshine and longer days is Charlie.  My muse.  This is the happiest I've also seen him in a very long time.  Previously he was stressed about school, friends, me (or lack of seeing me), pretty much everything.  He was averaging a migraine a week and sometimes more.  He would chew his fingernails down to the quick and his outbursts were frequent and totally irrational.   What changed?  He got a good teacher, I worked less hours,  he made good honest friendships and he learnt to cope with what bothers him.  Over the last 8 weeks I've seen a real change in him.  A real difference. Almost like he's grown into himself and the person he wanted to be.   He's now confident in himself, looooves school, is outgoing and extremely entertaining and as he sits in front of me with his summertime tan and his sunbleached hair with a sprinkle of freckles across his nose,  I can tell that Summer has been good to him too.

Day 10 is one of those special summertime kinda days.

B xx

Charlie summertime

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9 2012 | Day 9

With today forecast to be a scorcher, we had mostly planned our day around swimming and trying to stay cool.  By 9am the kids were in the pool and thats pretty much where they stayed until lunchtime.  By the time they jumped back in at 2.30pm I had finished work and was finally able to join them.  While we were out there some awesome rain clouds moved across the sky and the kids had a blast floating on their backs and pointing out the different shapes they saw in the sky.  From memory there was a dog lifting it's leg to pee (if course JJ found that one!), a giraffe, a frog, a gun and a hand giving the thumbs up sign.  This simple amusement went on for ages and before long the clouds had moved across the sky and were gone as quickly as they had arrived.  By 5pm we were all pretty water logged but Georgie was adamant she was going to see more clouds.  So, we lay our blanket on the front lawn (because the back lawn is out of question.  Juno would lick us to death if we dare lay on the ground) and together we searched and searched for clouds.  There were none :(  That's ok though, because we still lay there, on our backs, talking and making up stories.  Me and my girl, enjoying the last of the afternoon sun after what has been a wonderful day.

Cloud dreaming Day 9 away.

B xx

Cloud Dreaming

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8, 2012 | Photo a day

After what has been the most amazing weekend I've had in a loooong time, Tony and I were keen to get back to the kids and hear all about their weekend.  Although we had been kept up to date via text message every, oh, 20 minutes or so (thanks Sam & JJ).  It was still nice to see their faces, have cuddles and hear all about the cat tormenting Nan Nan (my mum is sooo not an animal person!), Georgie crying because she lost a board game and the trials and tribulations of a 10 year old trying to teach a 57 year old how to play angry birds (ok, my mum isn't a tech head either).  We went swimming, had a yummy picnic afternoon tea by the pool and took silly photos of eachother with the waterproof camera and then I realised that sometimes coming home is just as good, if not better, than getting away.  I love my little people.

Ending Day 8 in a happy, glad to be home kinda way.

B xx

My "Welcome Home Committee".

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7, 2012 | Day 7

Just a quick post for todays photo a day.  Earlier this week (Tuesday to be exact), Tony and I celebrated out 14 year wedding anniversary.  Now because we stupidly got married just a few short weeks after Christmas, we're normally way too poor, busy or tired to bother to do anything to celebrate.  This year we decided to make an effort so we booked mum in to be babysitter and organised a weekend away in the big smoke.  We're having a great time eating yummy food, checking out the shops, sightseeing and one of my favourite past times...people watching.  Seriously, it's amazing what you witness from ten stories above King George Square.  Today we took a trip to Southbank where we visited the art museum and GOMA.  We had intended to take a ride on the wheel but decided to wait till the kids were with us so they could enjoy it too.  Tomorrow we're antique shopping which I have to admit has become one of my favourite past times, so I'm pretty excited.  Anyway, I hope you're all having a fantastic weekend and thank you so much to those special people who take time to leave a comment and let us know you've been here.  We really appreciate it.

Celebrating day 7!

B xx

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6, 2012 | Day 6

This wasn't going to be the theme of my photo a day today,  but as I was in Blossy's room taking photos of her, kitty cat walked in and that was the end of that.  Not that I mind though.  I'll admit to having misgivings regarding adding a cat to our family.  I was so not a cat person (notice the past tense) but Tony is a lover of cats and as he has always supported my dog obsession, I figured I could put my cat issues aside and buy the man a kitty cat.  It wasn't an easy road with the first kitten we put a deposit on dying before we even got to meet her :(  It was very sad but obviously things happen for a reason because by some stroke of magnificent luck we ended up with Daisy (who is also known as kitty cat, pussy willow and pu pu.  Poor thing must be soo confused).  This dear little cat has personality!  She is loved by each and every one of us but mostly so by Blossy.  I think she sees her as a fellow girl and confidant.  I was never given the opportunity to develop relationships with my pets as a child (long story),  so it's important to us that the kids are given the opportunity to love, respect and care for all animals.  I get such happiness from watching them interact with our animals so when Georgie lay on the floor with kitty cat and they started "talking" to eachother I couldn't help but capture such a precious moment.  Oh... and I can now officially say, I'm a cat person!   

Time wasting day 6 away,  loving our kitty cat.

B xx  

Puuurfect kitty cat love

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012 | Day 5

We're trying our hardest to make these holidays all about "old school" entertainment.  It's a concern of mine that my kids spend too much time on the x-box or the 3DS, or the computer, or the ipod touch.  I think the real eye opener was when they started  i-messaging me on my iphone instead of walking the 10 steps to my bedroom to have a conversation.   We've done a lot of outside activities like  swimming,  playing games with the dog, walking to do errands instead of driving, gone for family bike rides and hit the cricket nets.  Inside we've played lego, cooked, done some craft and made our own books.  I was ever so excited to find out yesterday that there's still a drive in within Brisbane,  so we'll definitely be heading there before school goes back (expect that to see that in photo one day this month!). Another thing I intend to do is teach Georgie how to play elastics, skip, play marbles and cat's cradle.  This afternoon we started on the skipping.  She's used a skipping rope before and was actually quite good at it at one stage.  So after a little bit of a warm up it all came back to her and she was having fun and skipping the afternoon away... without the aid of a tv, x-box controller or ipod.  Who would have thought?!?!?!

And that was Day 5.

B xx


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4, 2012 | Day 4

My grandparents have lived in the same house all my life.  In fact they've lived there nearly all my mum's life.  It constantly amazes me that so many memories can be stored in one single space but it's true, they can.  This house is like a vault of memories for our family.  A time capsule that releases forgotten or untold stories everytime we visit.  Every room, every corner of the yard, every picture on the wall.  They all hold precious stories and memories for my family.  Now as my grandparents regrettably  grow older and frailer, the idea of losing our time capsule slowly creeps into my mind.  I want to show my children how my childhood was spent climbing trees, swimming in the creek, picking mulberries and fishing.  I want them to form memories of their own at Gran's house.  So today we went there to visit  and the kids spent the morning climbing a tree that I too had spent many hours playing in.  It made me so happy to sit on Gran's swing on the front porch and watch them just as my mum had watched me.  I truly hope they get a chance to add their own memories to our time capsule.

And there ends a wonderful Day 4.

B xx

Day 4 | Making Memories

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012 | Day 3

I think being the only girl out of five children is sometimes a very trying task for my Blossy.  On top of being the only girl, she's also the youngest which I'm sure adds to the difficulty. Now I'll admit, Chuck does not make it any easier.  I love the boy with all my heart but holy moly,  does he give his little sister a hard time.  He's a torment and a tease and while he doesn't mean anything vindictive with his taunting, Blossy has a very thin skin and doesn't always see it that way.  So anyway,  there I am, sitting here trying to get work done when I hear "oh.my.god. Chuck!  You are like the dumbest person I know!"  Followed by further screeching and ranting and raving coming from the pool.  I knew, I just KNEW that chuck was up to his usual antics and with there being vast amounts of water and the danger of Blossy trying to drown her "not so favourite" brother (her words not mine) I decided the easiest thing to do was remove the temperamental one from the pool and hope it would lead to a quieter afternoon.  So inside Blossy came and this is when I thank god for the cat, because it was Daisy that had to hear all about mean big brothers and dreams of sisters to play with.  Cat's really are good listeners you know and before long Blossy was ready to move on to the next argument with unsuspecting Sam.  Poor boy had no idea what was about to hit him!

And that is how Day 3 ended.  Here's to a conflict free Day 4!

B xx

Day 3 | Kitty Cat Secrets

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012 | Day 2

Another gorgeous day full of sunshine and summer fun.  It's little wonder that this is my most favourite time of year.  It's the sounds of Summer that I truly love the most.  The ceiling fan whirling overhead.  The birds chirping hello to the first rays of sun for the day.  The lawn mowers of all the old men in my street, tending to their neatly manicured lawns.  The splashing of swimming pool fun and the sound of crickets as the day comes to an end.  Oh how I wish it was Summer all year round.

Day 2 comes to an end.

B xx

Day 2 | Pool Days

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012 | Day One

So here we are, day one of the annual photo a day challenge for the month of January.  I have a love/hate relationship with this challenge.  By the middle of the month the kids are pretty much over it, I'm lost for inspiration and everyone seems to do a runner the moment they spot the camera.  We always get through it though and in the end everyone ends up grateful that we persevered once they see the all the images together.

Today we woke up to a gorgeous day and it was decided we would make use of our new bikes and the gorgeous area we live in, so we took a bike ride.  Pretty proud of myself on this one actually because first day into the year and I'm achieving two of my goals.  Exercise and family time.  Impressive huh?!?!  Most importantly we had an awesome time.  We enjoyed the bay breezes and were very much entertained by Ry and his crazy riding style (even if it is somewhat dangerous).

Day one done and dusted.  Bring on day two!

B xx

Day One | A Family Bike Ride