Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012 | Day 5

We're trying our hardest to make these holidays all about "old school" entertainment.  It's a concern of mine that my kids spend too much time on the x-box or the 3DS, or the computer, or the ipod touch.  I think the real eye opener was when they started  i-messaging me on my iphone instead of walking the 10 steps to my bedroom to have a conversation.   We've done a lot of outside activities like  swimming,  playing games with the dog, walking to do errands instead of driving, gone for family bike rides and hit the cricket nets.  Inside we've played lego, cooked, done some craft and made our own books.  I was ever so excited to find out yesterday that there's still a drive in within Brisbane,  so we'll definitely be heading there before school goes back (expect that to see that in photo one day this month!). Another thing I intend to do is teach Georgie how to play elastics, skip, play marbles and cat's cradle.  This afternoon we started on the skipping.  She's used a skipping rope before and was actually quite good at it at one stage.  So after a little bit of a warm up it all came back to her and she was having fun and skipping the afternoon away... without the aid of a tv, x-box controller or ipod.  Who would have thought?!?!?!

And that was Day 5.

B xx


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