Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17, 2012 | Day 17

Another day of rain.  Ho hum.  It's not all bad though.  The kids slept in till 9.30am and I got a lot of work done on my new website as well as client work.  The rain also gave Blossy a perfect opportunity to try out her new Mary Poppins Umbrella.  The boys (well Charlie mostly) have been giving her hell over this umbrella since she brought it home on Sunday.  It's just an umbrella Georgie!  It doesn't make you fly Georgie.  What a waste of money Georgie!  Hmmm, me thinks someone is jealous!  Anyway,  Blossy was desperate to prove them wrong so out she went with the determination only Blossy has. Determined she was going to fly (or at least jump really really high).  You can see the concentration on her face in the photo.  Of course it didn't work and she didn't fly (or even jump that hight) but she did succeed in making  Charlie jealous afterall.  Not because she could fly but because she got to play out in the rain.  Smart little cookie that one!

Flying our way through Day 17.

B xx

It's my very own Mary Poppins

1 comment:

  1. I love the colours in this .. the green grass, the browns in the fence and the red/coral colours in her dress.

    Am glad she loves her new umbrella - even if she couldn't fly with it :)
