Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012 | Day 12

Books are such an essential part of my life and we're  tried to bring up the kids to feel the same way.  When they're young it's so hard to convince them  how wonderful books are.  I mean why would they be interested in words on paper when they have so many other bright, shiny electrical things to keep them occupied.  With Ry I failed miserably.  He hates reading with a passion and will do anything and everything to avoid it.  I'm not sure if this is a direct result of my parenting or just a personal dislike he's somehow acquired.  Anyway, I was convinced it would be different with the other kids and it is.  Sam struggled initially while learning to read but never let that affect his love of books.  James was and still is an avid reader although he never seems to finish a book, rather moving from one to another as it takes his interest.  Charlie is my Mr Speed Reader.  Once he's engrossed in a story there's no stopping him and he's been known to sit for 5 hours straight (and if you know Charlie then you know sitting still for long periods of time is sooo not his thing!) and read a good book from cover to cover.  Georgie...Georgie is my little bookworm.  At 7 she is reading at an 10 year old level.  She's like my mum.  One book is never enough for her and she quite often has two or three on the go at once.  Recently Georgie was personally asked to preview the first of a new series of yet to be released books.  It's a great honour,  and at the moment she's busy reading, taking notes and building a report for the author.  It's all very exciting and most certainly an opportunity that would never arise from playing an ipod touch or watching tv.  See, books are wonderful and in this case, can lead to amazing opportunities.

Reading our way through Day 12.

B xx

My little bookworm


  1. What an amazing honour for her!
    Adore this shot so much.
    (And I love the pillow too btw).

  2. How exciting for Georgie. I can totally relate with Ry, I could never get into books as a teenager. I enjoy reading now but have to remind myself to do it some times.
