Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012 | Day 20

My kids all love each other, they really do.  One positive thing about being in a large family is that you pretty much always have an allie.  As much as they fight, compete and say awful things to each other, if an outsider was to threaten, challenge or do wrong by them...look out!  You'll face the wrath of the four other siblings and I imagine it wouldn't be nice.  Actually, I'm kinda counting on this sort of support when Georgie starts dating.  Imagine the first poor boy to break her heart!!!  Anyway as I was saying, they'll stick up for each other when others are involved but holy hell are they competitive amongst themselves.  Every single thing is a competition.  Who can swim a lap fastest, who can get in the shower first, who gets the biggest piece of cake, who the cat loves more,  and it goes on and on and on...

Today we went down to our local foreshore and again with the competitiveness.  Here I was imagining hot chips on the beach and a quiet stroll along the edge of the water looking for shells and teeny tiny crabs. Yeah well that lasted all of five minutes.  Before long there was a race organised.  A finish line was drawn in the sand and luckily I had my camera,  because more than once we needed a photo finish to settle arguments of who had won.  Even Georgie got in on it,  although she had no desire to win.  She was just happy that the boys had included her.  After about an hour of running flat out they were all pretty much buggered and we returned to  quietly strolling along the waters edge.  That is until it was time to go home.  Then there was the race to see who could get into the front seat first! *sigh*

Racing our way through day 20

B xx

Ready, Set, Go!


  1. I love how you have described this ... your words match the image perfectly. Love it!
