Monday, January 30, 2012

January 25, 2012 | Day 25

 This afternoon Georgie spent a lot of time in her room.  Mostly by choice, but some of the time was so we could get some peace and quiet from the fighting with the boys. Honestly, the screeching is enough to make you want to rip your ears off.  So anyway, Blossy was occupying herself with barbies and books and hours of facetime with her new friend Miss K, but later in the afternoon when I went in to check on her I found her gazing out the window and totally engrossed in a conversation with herself.  About what?  I have no idea.  It felt like snooping to stand there and listen so I quickly took the photo and left.  I love that she uses her imagination though.  That she can get hours of enjoyment through looking out the window and coming up with magical stories.  It must be nice to have the ability to occasionally lose yourself in a make believe world.

Imagining our way through Day 25.

B xx