Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 23, 2012 | Day 23

The day before school goes back is always a bit of a quiet day here.  I get that anxious sad feeling about Summer being almost over and constantly wish for time to move slower.  Blossy and I spent the morning buying new dancing stuff, visiting our friends gift store which we love and then  I spent the day labeling school stuff, getting lunches ready and sorting out uniforms (oh and I watched 6 episodes of Homeland.  Awesome show!).  By the time dinner came around we decided to celebrate (or mourn) the end of the holidays with pizza.  I figure, why not end the Summer holidays in the same way you started them.  It's probably not the brain food they should be eating before their first day back at school but thats ok.  We've got all year to make up for it.

Day 23.  A Dominos kinda day.

B xx


  1. My kids love it when we have pizza - its always a winner in our house :)

  2. Yum, pizza night tonight here. Oh and did you see the new candle scent at the gift shop (coconut passion).
