Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11,2012 | Day 11

I have this distinct memory from my childhood.  It's of my cousin and myself spending hours upon hours making up dance routines to the Footloose soundtrack.  We were soooooo in love with Kevin Bacon and probably thought our dance moves were pretty happening too.  We were too poor for me to ever do ballet or dance lessons,  so dancing to footloose under my Gran's house was about as far as my dance career ever went.  When I had Georgie I swore that if she ever wanted to dance, then dance she would!  Lucky for me I have been able to live my dancing dreams through Blossy.  She currently enjoys classical ballet, jazz, tap and this year will start hip hop.  Now even though she has formal lessons, she still loves to turn the music on at home and dance her little heart out, just like I enjoyed doing all those years ago.  Today was one of those days and after spending all day in the pool with seven boys she was totally up for some girly dancing time.  I may even admit to having joined her ;)

Dancing our way through day 11

B xx

She's got Moves like Jagger


  1. So cute - getting her groove on :)
    And +1 for Footloose and Kevin Bacon!

  2. Ah the robot?!

    The room looks great!! - Dan
